Merry Christmas to all Ebenezers Scrooge

Ghost of Christmas Past

Aged appearance of childlike figure, innocent, dressed in white, the ghost of the past – presents events that led to this today’s “humbug” Ebenezer Scrooge. Emanating head, that presents wisdom, shows us why Scrooge became so detached from earthly, common joys and love. Younger Scrooge possessed the ability to love and he was a person still in touch with his fellow human beings.


His own desire for material pleasure, prevented him from sharing himself with others. And ultimately he destroyed his love for Belle and became a lonely recluse.
Both images are white – for innocence, and with glowing head. But that is where all similarity stops.
I imagine this image like a cloud, with greater density inside and various colors inside. Its dress would be white and shiny, and you could enter into its interior. Inside it would have cinnamon and lemon smell, and warmth that would be pleasant to touch. Some parts would have cold elements shaped like spheres, not too large, but just enough to feel comfortable when you touch warm parts.


Ghost of Christmas Present

Christmas should stimulate within people a concern for the wants and needs of others, and give us joy while fulfilling desires of others.
That’s why Christmas dinner at Bob Cratchit’s house with his family is essential for this part of the story.scrooge-ghost
Ghost of Christmas Present, represents empathy that enables Scrooge to see and feel hardship of Bob’s family daily toil.
This feast is time of sharing one’s wealth with the others. And it has no meaning without loved ones.


Different authors presented this ghost similarly, with green dress and all that food for the feast.
I would imagine it differently. It would have long curly hair, where some strings of candies would be attached.
His gown would be made of green velvet with large engraved golden buttons. Also, his pants would have nice vine color and it would spread smell like hot bread.
This creature should belong to everyone, so we should recognize it by the smell, color, and we should wish to be with it.

Ghost of Christmas Future

This Ghost is phantom, dressed in dark robe, menacing figure who does not speak at all. His arm has sharp bony fingers with long nails. We cannot say if it is male or female. It is dark figure, awakening fear in Scrooge. He cannot see if that on the bed is he, or someone else. This figure looks like the ghost that I imagined as a child.

It would hold a boony crook. Its eyes would be all dark with no sclera. It would be all black and you could not see anything personal about it, except robe would be made of heavy black fabric and it wouldn’t walk, rather fly. It has strong, disturbing powers, hard to resist, but not impossible.
Effort and good will is necessary, and faith into human good to surmount its powers.